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Building a Ruby on Rails API with GraphQL —  Introduction

Building a Ruby on Rails API with GraphQL —  Introduction

GraphQL describes itself as a query language for your API, you ask for what you need and you get exactly that, you don’t have to make calls to get an object with tens or dozens of more fields that you may or may not need.

Testing and Securing Rails API Endpoints With JWT and Postman

Testing and Securing Rails API Endpoints With JWT and Postman

A common way to do Authentication is by generating a JSON-Web Token and Ruby on Rails is the framework we use when building a JSON API. In this article, we focus on authorizing our endpoints and testing them using Postman.

How to Build a RESTful API Authentication With JWT (TDD Approach)

How to Build a RESTful API Authentication With JWT (TDD Approach)

Token-based authentication has gained a lot of popularity in securing an API. In this article, we'll take our Rails RESTful JSON API app to the next level through user registration and login, plus authentication with JSON Web Tokens.

Test Driven Development of a RESTful JSON API With Rails

Test Driven Development of a RESTful JSON API With Rails

The open-source nature of Rails, and its rich ecosystem inherited from Ruby, gives it an advantage of both time and cost efficiency to get your API up and running fast. In this article, we’ll build a simple Rails RESTful JSON API using Rails.

Rails Direct Uploads To Cloudinary Made Easy With Shrine

Rails Direct Uploads To Cloudinary Made Easy With Shrine

If you have been using Heroku often, you’ll notice that it is not suitable for persisting image storage and should not be used for any permanent storage. In this article, we simplify how you can perform direct uploads to Cloudinary in your Rails application, in order to persist your image uploads.

Rails Image Upload In 7 Simple Steps Using Shrine

Rails Image Upload In 7 Simple Steps Using Shrine

File uploading is an important aspect of many Rails applications and image uploading, in particular, is one of the most important features. In this article, we’ll simplify the image uploading process in 7 simple steps to make your life easier, using Shrine.

Understanding RSpec Controller/Request Specs & Integration Test Using Capybara

Understanding RSpec Controller/Request Specs & Integration Test Using Capybara

In this article, you will gain an in-depth understanding of controller specs, request specs, and feature specs. You’ll learn how to use Capybara to describe a typical user story where all interactions are driven via the user interface.

Understanding Test-Driven Development with RSpec in Ruby on Rails

Understanding Test-Driven Development with RSpec in Ruby on Rails

If you’re a developer, then you have already performed a software test, whether you realize it or not. When you write a piece of software, to see if it's working, that's testing.

Understanding RSpec Model And Helper Specs

Understanding RSpec Model And Helper Specs

As developers, tackling complex problems in bits and modules is common practice. Tests performed in the different parts of our application, in isolation, are called unit testing. These are usually done on the smallest part of the application.

Rails View Helpers — Best Practices Guide

Rails View Helpers — Best Practices Guide

Helper methods are really handy and can help minimize errors in our code by having the logic in one place and letting them handle just one particular task and handle it very well.

Toastr, a Perfect Flash Message Alternative for Rails

Toastr, a Perfect Flash Message Alternative for Rails

A flash message is a way to communicate information with the users of your Rails application so they can know what happens as a result of their actions.

Responsive Design — you’re doing it wrong!

Responsive Design — you’re doing it wrong!

Responsive design is not just about the web that automatically adjusts to different screen resolutions and resizeable images, but designs that are crucial for web performance.